Thursday 15 April 2010

Mum of a future masterchef winner?

I’ve watched every episode of Masterchef religiously. I’ve even converted DP who has been known to prefer the competing chefs over a few Z division football teams. I love how the groans of disgust gradually turn into groans of something strangely approaching lust as the judges pick out the best ones and the cooking gets better and better.

I loved Alex’s fried pig ear and would give my right arm to eat at le Calandre where he made the aubergine sorbet. The chef Massimiliano Alajmo not only makes sexy food; he also looks hot and sounds like a philosopher. I quote from his homepage:

“There is no other truth than the one in the ingredients. I decide to approach the matter with the aim of approaching the core, humbly: and I try to act consequently, with lightness. Massimiliano Alajmo” Check out the website for more delightfully intense thoughts like these.

Although I like to think I’m serious about cooking and food and DP has been overheard saying my chorizo, spinach & chickpea stew would make it through the first round, watching some of the culinary art that was on show in Masterchef has also made me realise that I am serious about cooking easy, hearty, tasty food for my family and friends, not about creating art on a plate in a professional kitchen.

I wonder if it has anything to do with being a woman? Have you noticed that out of the last seven winners, six have been men? Today, as I was making blackberry and yoghurt muffins with my toddler and watching him love every minute, I reflected that those Masterchef winners probably had mums like me. I don’t have the time, creativity, technical knowledge or equipment to make sorbets with liquid nitrogen but I can show my son how to throw together some yummy muffins on a Sunday morning. If he doesn’t become a golfing champion as is father hopes, he might fall back on winning the Masterchef title.

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