Friday 16 April 2010

Emergency Pudding

Strawberries 'n' Cream 'digestive' sanwich 

My niece and nephew came round for the dinner the other night. I always cook something nice for them and usually make pudding too as I know how much they love it and it gives me an excuse to experiment with new recipes. That day, however had been a bit hectic and I just didn’t have time for a pudding. They were bitterly disappointed and I racked my brains to come up with something, anything that would put a smile on the glum faces around the table. Inspiration struck as I thought about what I had available. I’d been experimenting with making my own digestive biscuits and they’d come out pretty well, I had some strawberries hanging about in the fridge and half a pot of leftover cream. I pondered for a minute then came up with an emergency pudding solution. Everyone got to work: My nephew (15 yrs old) and my toddler set about whipping the cream. My niece (10 yrs old) chopped the strawberries and put them in a bowl with a spoonful of sugar and a squeeze of orange juice and I grated some dark chocolate into a little bowl. We set out the biscuits and all the other ingredients on the table and took it in turns to create and photograph our own ‘sandwich’. The result was fab – the unmistakable sandy texture of the digestives worked really well with the light and fluffy cream and juicy strawberries and the chocolate sprinkles brought it all together (after all, what’s a pudding without chocolate?). It tasted yummy, it was fun to do, it was easy and we had a real laugh taking ‘stylish’ photos for the blog.

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